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What is Börse Frankfurt?

Börse Frankfurt is the trading venue for mainly private investors with more than one million securities of German and international issuers. So-called "specialists" on the trading floor attend to the trading of the securities. Trading at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is governed by clear rules, which apply equally for all trading participants.

What is Deutsche Börse XETRA?

Through its Deutsche Börse Cash Market business section, Deutsche Börse AG now operates two trading venues at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Xetra is the reference market for exchange trading in German equities and exchange traded funds. In 2015, 90 per cent of all trading in shares at all German exchanges was transacted through the Xetra.

When did the Frankfurt Stock Exchange become Deutsche Börse?

In 1993 the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange) became Deutsche Börse AG, operating businesses for the exchange. From the early 1960s onwards the Frankfurt Stock Exchange took advantage of the close by Bundesbank which effectively decided on financial policies in Europe until the introduction of the euro in 2002.

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